Go Dynamite delivers fun and engaging activities for all age groups and abilities.

We can link our sessions with a range of topics. Just ask!

Whole-school assembly or performance available with full-day bookings.

Samba - Brazilian Carnival Music

Drums, agogos, cowbells, shakers, tamborims and group participation combine in this high-energy and multilayered performance spectacle. Participants learn solo parts, interactive breaks and a system of calls and responses.

Circus Skills

Develop focus, coordination and dexterity with our exciting range of circus activities. Our expert facilitators demonstrate spinning plates, diabolo, poi, hula hoops, devil sticks, juggling scarves and peacock feathers before everyone gets to have a go. Depending on the length of booking, everyone can also show off their mastery in a final performance. 

Djembe Hand Drumming

We quickly transform your group into a Djembe Percussion Ensemble. Learn the techniques to play the drums, create your own themed performance pieces and gain confidence with plenty of opportunities to lead the group.


Smaller than a guitar, and quick to learn. We teach the system behind thousands of songs and a variety of playing approaches. Leaving your group with the foundations for their own songwriting. 

Marimba (Sub-Saharan Xylophone)

Learn traditional African songs and unlock the secrets of composition. Regular visits culminate in a performance of your own pieces (for shorter visits, we can leave you with supporting material/ideas).

Laughter Yoga

Unbridle your laughter, nourish your soul and boost your mood in these fun, low stakes workshops. No prior experience or wit required – just a willingness to be open, follow Flora’s lead, and laugh.


Singing is great for confidence, expression, vocabulary, music education and much much more.

Singing as part of a group is empowering and up lifting.

Sessions lengths are 30 - 90 minutes and are suitable for groups of 5 to 50 participants. Multi-day projects available.

We send DBS and PLI documents over with your booking confirmation. Get in touch now to work with a team of inspirational facilitators.

Get in contact via the form for more details

There's plenty more on offer here at Go Dynamite. Visit the Team Building Page page to get some ideas.

We huge fans of live music and hope to share our passion with you soon.

Contact Us now to make an enquiry. Or use the form below.

Lets Work Together